We are told in the Holy Quran of the honour Allah bestowed on many of His prophets by gifting them with some of His Own Names. For example, he called Prophets Ishmael and Isaac “Alim” meaning the “knowing” and their father Prophet Abraham “Halim” meaning the “forbearing”. Prophet Noah was bestowed with the name, “Shakur” meaning “thankful” and both Prophets John and Jesus were given the name “Barr”, meaning “devoted”. Prophet Moses was blessed with the names “Karim” and “Qawwi” meaning “noble” and “strong’. Prophet Joseph was given the name “Hafidh Alim” meaning the “knowing guardian”, and Prophet Job was named “Sabur” meaning patient. Prophet Ishmael was also called “Sadiq al-Wa’d” meaning “True to the promise”. Peace be upon all the prophets.
The Judge Iyyad said, “As Allah inspired and taught us, and verified these names and their meaning, Allah willing we will now complete the blessing by clarifying what He has yet to show us on the subject and unlock it.” We begin with His Name “Al-Hamid” which means “Praiseworthy. The meaning of this is the One who is praised because Allah Himself praises Himself and His worshipers praise Him. It also bears the meaning of the One who praises Himself and praises acts of obedience. Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) is called by two names both of which mean praised, they are Muhammad and Ahmed and these names are mentioned in the unadulterated Psalms of Prophet David. To shed more light, Ahmed bears the meaning of the greatest of those who praise, and the most noble of those to be praised. Hassan, Thabit’s son, the great poet, known for his poetry praising the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) indicated to this when he said, “For him it has been taken from His Own Name so that he is ennobled”. Allah has called Himself, “the Gentle” (Ra’uf) and “the Absolute Merciful” (Raheem). There is a similarity between these two Names, and we find Him adorning His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) with them in His Words, “and is gentle, merciful to the believers.”
Amongst the Names of Allah is “the Clear Truth” (Al-Haqq al-Mubin). “The Truth” (Al- Haqq) means that which is existent and is an irrefutable reality. “Clear” (Al-Mubin) is the One whose Divinity is apparent. The Arabic verbs “Bana and Abana” have the same meaning, that is to make clear to His worshipers the religion and that they ultimately return to Him. Allah calls His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) by this name saying “until the truth and a clear Messenger came to them” 43:29. And, “I am a plain warner” 15:89. Allah also refers to him saying, “O people, the Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord.” 4:170. And He says, “they belied the truth when it came to them.” 6:5. It has been said that the preceding refer to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) others say it means the Quran. However, what is understood is that it is the opposite of falsehood. The Prophet’s truthfulness and characteristics are an irrefutable reality. “The clear” is he whose actions and message are clear, or the one who clarifies what Allah sent him with. Allah says, “so that you can make clear to people what has been sent down to them.” 16:44
Allah calls Himself “An Noor”, meaning “The Light”. He is the Possessor of Light, the Creator, and illuminates the heavens and the earth with lights. He is the One who enriches the hearts of believers with the light of guidance. In chapter 5 verse 15, Allah tells us “A light has come to you from Allah and a Clear Book.” It has been said that the light refers to the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) and it has also been said that it refers to the Quran. Allah calls His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) “a caller to Allah by His permission, a light shedding lamp.” 33:46. This verse makes his position clear, confirms his Prophethood and what he brings to mankind illumines the hearts of believers. Another of the Names of Allah is “The Witness” (Shahid) and bears the meaning of the One who is All-Knowing. Allah calls His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) “a witness” and says, “O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness.” 33:46 and, “and that the Messenger be a witness above you.” 2:143 .
Furthermore, another of the Names of Allah is “The Generous and Honourable” (Al- Karim) has the attributes of being the One with whom there is much good. It has also been explained as meaning “The Overflowing of Generosity”, and “The Forgiving” as well as “the High”. Allah tells us “it is indeed the word of an Honourable Messenger” 81:19. This verse has been said to refer to either the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) or to the
Archangel Gabriel. In a prophetic quotation he said, “I am the noblest and master of the children of Adam.” Each meaning of the name are equally valid for him. Allah has named Himself “The Mighty” (Al-Adhim). And its meaning is the One who is majestic, everything relies upon Him. When He speaks of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) he says, “Surely, you are of a great morality.” 68:4. Amongst the scriptures of the Torah is found the saying of Ishmael, “A mighty one will be born for a mighty nation and he is mighty with a mighty morality.”
Allah is “The Compeller” (Al-Jabbar), and bears the meaning of He who amends, it has also been said that it means “the Conqueror”, or “the One with a Mighty Affair” or “the Proud”. In the Psalms of David the Prophet, peace be upon him, is called “Jabbar” it reads, “O Jabbar, put on your sword! Your constitution and jurisprudence are accompanied by the fear of your right hand.” This quotation bears the meaning that the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) will either reform his nation through guidance, or through the power given to him against his enemies, or, because of the magnitude of his rank over all mankind and his valuable importance that defies estimation. Allah makes us aware that he was not driven by the compulsion of pride, rather He says, “You are not a tyrant over them.” 50:45.
Allah has named Himself “The Aware” (Al-Khabir) it means that He is the One who has knowledge of the essence of a matter and knows it in its reality. It has also been explained with the meaning that it is He who is the One who informs. Allah tells us, “The Merciful; ask about Him from he who knows Him.” 25:59. The Judge Bakr, son of al-‘Ala’ said that this verse tells us that the one who is to be asked is the one who is aware and that is the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him). Scholars have said that he is called “the aware” because he was given knowledge from Allah who taught him matters from His hidden knowledge. By this verse, Allah is also informing his nation that the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) has been given permission to teach.
Another of the Names of Allah is “The Opening” (Al-Fat‟h), who is the One who judges between his worshipers, and the Opening of the doors of provision, mercy and other matters that are available to them. He is the One who causes the hearts and eyes to opened by the His Command. On the other hand, the verse “If you were seeking victory, victory has now come to you.” 8:19 shows that Allah is He who initiates the opening and victory. Allah refers to his Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) as being “the opening” in a lengthy hadith that speaks of the Night Journey in which He says, “I have made you to be the opening and the seal.” The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “He raised the mention of me and made me to be the opening and the seal.” The opening in this quotation means the judge, or the one who opens the doors of mercy for his nation, or the one who opened the inner eye to the remembrance of the truth and belief in Allah, or the one who helped the truth or started to guide his nation, or the first of the prophets to be created but the seal of the Prophethood. As he says, “I was the first of the prophets to be created but the last of them to be sent.” The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) was first so that all would recognize the right he has over them.
Allah has named Himself ”The Thankful” (Shakur). This Name bears the meaning of the One who rewards even the smallest action. Scholars have also said that it means the One who praises those who obey. Allah described Prophet Noah with it saying, “He was truly a thankful worshiper.” 17:3. In gratitude for the blessings given to him by his Lord, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “Why shouldn’t I be a thankful worshiper?” It is recognition of its worth, and praise of Him, as well as striving for increase because Allah says, “If you give thanks, I will increase you, but if you are unthankful My punishment is indeed stern.” 14:7.
Two of His other Names are “The Knower” (Al-Alim), the “Knowing” (Al-Allam) the Knower of both the Unseen and Seen. Allah bestowed His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) with the virtue of knowledge from Him. He says, “He taught you what you did not know. The Bounty of Allah to you is ever great.” 4:113, and in another verse He says, “and teach you that of which you have no knowledge.” 2:151.
Allah has called Himself “The First and the Last”. The meaning of this is that which precedes matters before their existence and what remains after their existence has vanished. Allah does not have a beginning or an end. The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “I was the first of the prophets to be created but the last of them to be sent” and quoted the Words of Allah, “We took from the prophets their covenant and from you (Prophet Muhammad) and from Noah.” 33:7. In this verse our attention is drawn to the fact that Allah placed Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) first by honouring his mention before the other prophets. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “We are the last, the one who goes ahead.” And he told his Companions, “I will be the first for whom the earth splits open, the first to enter the Garden, the first intercessor and the first whose intercession is accepted.” As we mentioned earlier, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) is the Seal of the Prophets, the last to whom the Prophethood was entrusted, and the last of the Messengers of Allah, and it is he with whom him the Prophethood was sealed for all time, there being none to come after him.
Allah has also called Him “The Strong” (Al-Qawi). He is the One with Strength and is Firm. This Name also bears the meaning of powerful. Allah describes His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) with this attribute saying “of power, given a rank by the Owner of the Throne.” 81:20. It has also been said that this refers to Gabriel.
Allah is “The Truthful” (Sadiq), and there are many hadiths in which the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) is referred to be as being the truthful.
Amongst the Names of Allah are “The Guardian” (Al-Wali) and “The Master (Al-Mawla), both bear the meaning of Helper. Allah tells us “Your guide is only Allah, His Messenger.” 5:55. In the saying of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) we learn “I am the guardian of those who believe.” Allah says, “The Prophet has a greater right on the believers than their own selves.” 33:6. The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “As for those whose master I am, they have an exalted master.”
Another of the Names of Allah is “The Pardoner” (Al-‘Afuw). The meaning of this is that He is the One who acquits. In both the Quran and the Torah Allah refers to the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) by this name, and we find Him commanding him to accept what is easy, saying “Accept the easing.” 7:199, and “yet pardon them, and forgive.” 5:13. The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “Pardon those who wrong you.” He is also described in the Gospel as well as the Torah as “He is neither coarse, nor harsh, rather he pardons and overlooks.”
Amongst the Names of Allah is, “The Guide” (Al-Hadi). Allah gives success to whosoever of His worshipers He wills, meaning guidance to His Way and His invitation to them. Allah says, “Allah invites you to the House of Peace. He guides whom He will to a Straight Path.” 10:25. We spoke earlier of the interpretation of the Prophet’s name “TaHa” as meaning, O Pure, O Guide. Allah says, “And you, surely guide to a Straight Path.” 42:52, and refers to him saying, “a caller to Allah by His permission” 33:46. Allah is the ultimate Guide and says, “You cannot guide whom you please; it is Allah who guides whom He will. He knows well those who are guided.” 28:56.
He, the Exalted is called, “The Guardian of Faith” (Al-Mu’min), “The Protector” (Al- Muhaymin), these Names have similar meanings. Allah’s Name al-Mu’min, means that He is the One who confirms His promise to His worshipers. He confirms the truth of His Word and His believing worshipers and Messengers. It has also been explained with the meaning that Allah is the One who affirms His Oneness to Himself. It has also been said that it means that He is the One who protects His worshiper in this world from injustice. And protects believers in the Hereafter from His punishment. al-Muhaymin has been explained as meaning the “Trustworthy”. As for Amen (Ameen) it is the word which is used at the end of supplications, it was said it is amongst the Names of Allah and that its meaning is the “Guardian of Faith (Mu’min). As for the “Protector” (Muhaymin) it is said that it means Witness and the Protector. Allah calls His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) by the name Ameen, the trustworthy and calls him “obeyed and honest” 81:21. Well before his Prophethood, he was known as al-Ameen by good and bad alike. It has also been said that al-Ameen means protector. Allah says “he believes in Allah and trusts the believers.” 9:61. The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “I am the trustworthy of my Companions.”
“The Pure” (Al-Quddus) is another of the Names of Allah and means the One detached from all imperfections and pure from time. The Mosque in Jerusalem, (Bayt al-Maqdis) is so called because it was there that the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) was purified from any wrong action and Allah told him, “that Allah forgives your past and future sins.” 48:2, or it is said to mean that it is because of him people are purified by his being in the status of no sin, and that by following the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) they are freed from sin as Allah says, “to purify them” 62:2. Of his Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) Allah says, “By His permission He takes them out from darkness to the light.” 5:16. It has also been said that its meaning is the status of purity from all blameworthy qualities and baseness.
Allah is called “The Mighty” (Al-Aziz) and incorporates the meanings of difficult to access, victor, or the One of whom there is no likeness, or the Self-Exalted. Allah tells us, “But the might belongs to Allah, and His Messenger.” 63:8
Allah called Himself “The Bringer of Glad Tidings and Warning”. He says, “Their Lord gives them glad tidings of mercy from Him.” 9:21. And, “Allah gives you glad tidings of John.” 3:39 and “Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word (Be) from Him.” 3:45. Allah speaks of His Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) as being the bearer of glad tidings, as a warner and a herald, in other words, some one who conveys good news to those who obey Allah and warns those who disbelieve and disobey.
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